英语 Career Opportunities
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文学有能力把读者带到世界各地,跨越时间和文化. 但是,对错综复杂的英语语言的研究也能做到这一点吗? What can you do with an 英语 degree? From teaching to 写作, 十大靠谱网赌平台(MACU)的英语学士学位可以为你带来你从未想过的职业. It’s a degree that strengthens your 写作 ability, your critical thinking, and your love of language. Those are strengths that can be used in almost any career, 但在任何需要用英语进行有效沟通的就业市场上,这尤其会让你占据优势. Think writer, editor, teacher, or even marketing content creator.
的 job outlook for writers is expected to grow 9% 在接下来的十年里,大多数工作的前景都是类似的,英语学位可以让你胜任.
Just as 英语 language studies open your career options, 在志同道合的学生和教授的包围下获得学位会扩大你的生活选择. Regardless of where your field of endeavor leads you, lifelong friendships created on campus at MACU go with you. 这是一个以基督为中心的氛围,旨在促进教育和精神成长.
And it all takes place in the heart of Oklahoma City, with a strong job market that might even keep you here for life. 城市的活动包括不拘一格的购物和娱乐区,以及丰富的景点,从博物馆到户外探险.
- An affordable and streamlined degree completion plan
- Low student-to-professor ratio
- 一个安全优先的校园,包括24小时监控
- Support services that allow students to thrive, including tutoring
- Faith-based activities and social groups
- Competitive sports teams
我们生活在一个重视沟通的世界,几乎高于一切. 但是,没有道德基础的交流只不过是空话. At MACU, you can have both. 你可以十大靠谱网赌平台世界文学和文化,并学会通过基督教的观点来分析它.
MACU degree programs are designed to create leaders with character. 对基督的奉献贯穿于你学位计划的整个课程, then taught by professors with beliefs that mirror yours. 其结果是一个提升你的智力的学位,因为它允许你在精神上成长.
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Major Courses
British Literature Survey I
这门课程是对英国文学的研究,从旧英语时期到恢复和18世纪,重点是文学分析, literary 理论, and the relationship of literature and cultural milieus. Prerequisite: ENGL 1103 and ENGL 1203. Offered fall semester: even numbered years.
British Literature Survey II
这门课程是对英国文学从浪漫主义时期到现在的研究,重点是文学之间的关系, historical setting and cultural milieus. Offered spring semester: odd numbered years.
World Literature Survey: 的 Renaissance to the Modern Era
本课程研究1650年至今的西方和非西方文学,重点是文学分析, and the relationship between literature, historical setting and cultural milieus. Prerequisite: ENGL 1103 and ENGL 1203. Offered every spring semester.
American Literature Survey: Before 1865
本课程研究前殖民时期至1865年的美国文学,重点是文学分析, and the relationship between literature, historical setting and cultural milieus. Offered fall semester: Odd numbered years.
American Literature Survey: Since 1865
这门课程是对1865年至今的美国文学的研究,重点是文学分析, literary 理论, and the relationship between literature, historical setting and cultural milieus. Offered spring semester: even numbered years.
Advanced Composition
This course is a study of practice, 理论, 研究, and assessment of 写作 strategies with emphasis on style, 编辑, the range of print and non-print text, and the relationship between text and the social environment. Prerequisites: ENGL 1103 and ENGL 1203. Offered fall semester: even numbered years.
Major Figures
本课程提供对特定作者及其相关文学运动的深入研究. 内容将有所不同,但将强调主要作者及其围绕主题或时代组织的作品. Prerequisites: Junior standing or special permission. Offered every fall semester.
的 Apologetics of C.S. 刘易斯
C.S. 刘易斯是20世纪著名的基督教思想家和非专业护教者,他的作品在21世纪仍被广泛阅读并在教会中产生影响. Among his best-known works in this field are Mere Christianity, surprised by Joy, and A Grief Observed. 这些和其他路易斯的道歉作品将在课程中研究它们的内容和持续的适用性. Offered spring semester: odd numbered years.
Creative Writing
本课程提供语言艺术创作经验的指导,重点是短篇小说的写作, 诗歌, 和戏剧. Prerequisites: ENGL 1103 and ENGL 1203. Offered spring semester: odd numbered years.
Modern Grammar
This course is a study of semantics, 语法, morphology, 音系学, 和语法的英语语言,强调文化背景的作用. Prerequisite: ENGL 1103, ENGL 1203, and six (6) hours of literature. Offered spring semester: even numbered years.
EENGL 4303
这是一篇精选莎士比亚悲剧和悲喜剧的研究, 和历史,强调文学分析和道德和精神价值的作品. Prerequisite: ENGL 1103 and ENGL 1203. Offered fall semester: even numbered years.
Critical Approaches to Literature
本课程是文学批评理论概论,并对文学批评流派进行深入研究. Study of major literary critics and their contributions. Offered spring semester: even numbered years.
Women in Literature
本课程重点研究一个或几个文学时期的女性文学作品. 的 approach will be thematic, regional, historical, etc. 前提条件:ENGL 1103和ENGL 1203春季学期:偶数年秋季学期:偶数年.
History of the 英语 Language
This course is a study of the development of the 英语 language, stressing changes in 音系学, morphology, 词汇表, 语法, and orthography of Old, 中间, and Modern 英语. 对英语语言的历史和发展重要的作家和作品也将被研究. 先决条件:ENGL 1103, ENGL 1203,和六(6)小时的文学. Offered fall semester: odd numbered years.
Ethnic American Literature
This course studies the literature of American ethnic groups, particularly African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, 和印第安人,也可能包括其他社会群体的作品. Various genres as written by these groups will be studied. Offered spring semester: even numbered years.
Native American Literature
A study of Native American literature including the oral tradition, storytelling and mythology, focusing on selections by contemporary writers. 这门课将着重于印第安作家的作品以及与俄克拉何马州有关的作品以及俄克拉何马州由印第安人创作的作品. Offered fall semester: odd numbered years.
Cultural 的ory and Popular Culture
A study of the relationship between literature and culture. 的 course will survey a variety of texts such as memoir, folk 写作, and traditional fictive genres as they relate to culture. Analysis and contextualization of contemporary media such as film, television, music and hypertexts will also be included. Prerequisites: ENGL 1103 and ENGL 1203. Offered fall semester: even numbered years.
Language and Popular Culture
本课程着重于向第一语言和第二语言十大靠谱网赌平台者教授英语的复杂性,并着重于阅读的相互关系, 写作, 说话, 听, 查看, and thinking; visual forms of language; the many varieties of the 英语 language; the impact of cultural and societal events on language; the impact of language on teachers, students and curriculum design; language and self-image; and 研究 and professional issues in this area. Prerequisite: 英格兰4203年. Offered spring semester: odd numbered years.